
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Colorado, part 2

Our stop in Colorado Springs was short but sweet.  We stayed the night at Paul's aunt and uncle's house and ended up - in a surprising twist - getting to see all three of his cousins in Denver for lunch the next day.  When I talk about how much I love Minnesota and how it is the people that make the trip, this family is a huge part of that!  I didn't do a great job taking pictures on this leg of our trip, but here is evidence we were there!

Mark and Sue have great toys for Lucy to dive into, though we had to be a little careful with the chess set they got in Peru - Incans vs. Spanish settlers. And off to Lucy's side is their dog, Sapo; Lucy talked about him for days after we left! 

The next morning, after steaks, (many) cocktails, dessert and staying up late talking, Savannah and Lucy were up BRIGHT and EARLY.  That's how it goes, right?  But lucky for us a beautiful sunrise and a great playground made this unanticipated early morning totally worth it.
The next day we went to lunch at True Food in Cherry Creek and I don't know why we didn't get a picture of the whole crew (Mark, Jules, Liz, George, Nora, and our family of four) but Nora took this sweet picture of Lucy so it will have to serve as the reminder of our fun lunch!

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